CDL A OTR Regional Drivers
Earn $.70 cpm
Home Weekly
CDL A OTR Regional Drivers
Earn $.70 cpm
Home Weekly
Get home weekly!
Driver Pay & Benefits
- $0.70 - $0.72 CPM all miles paid
- $0.02 CPM Safety Bonus (monthly)
- $0.01 CPM seniority bonus after each year
- $35 Extra Stop
- $25/Hour After 2 hours Detention Pay, Up to $200
- $200/Day Layover or Breakdown (start time)
- Dry van freight - Midwest lanes
- 1,700 - 2,000 miles per week
- Midwest Lanes
- Weekly home time
- Paid weekly
- Health, Dental, Life, Disability, & Vision Insurance, 401(k) Available
- 1 week PTO at one 1 Year with the company ($1,000 for PTO week)
- Passengers and pets allowed
- 24/7 dispatch support
- Trucks equipped with inverters & fridges
- Samsara ELD
- 68 MPH on the floor & 70 MPH on cruise
- 1 to 2 day paid orientation ($70/day)
- Tractor will be assigned at time of hiring from available Co. inventory
- 2019+ Freightliner, Volvo & Peterbilt Trucks
Driver Qualifications
Minimum 23 years of age
Minimum 18 months experience
No chargeable accidents
Stable work history
Up to 2,200 miles per week