22X22 Photo/Video Submission Form


Challenge begins Nov. 1, 2023


It’s time to take the pledge and take the 22 Pushup Challenge! For those of you who aren’t familiar with the challenge, which is sometimes called the 22KILL Pushup Challenge, it is a campaign to bring awareness to the horrific number of U.S. military veterans who commit suicide each day. The challenge also honors all military service members and veterans.

What can you do to help?

To help raise awareness about this alarming statistic, we are challenging all fleet carrier employees and professional CDL drivers to do 22 push-ups per day for 22 days during the month of November.  Also, PLEASE if you are able, make a donation of any size, to a Veterans’ organization of your choosing.  Thank you…

How Do I Participate?

  1. Using your phone, create a video of you doing the 22 pushups. Do your best! It’s okay if you can only do a couple. You’ll get an “A” for effort.
  2. Upload the video to (Learn more about uploading a video to
  3. Complete the form below and include a link to your YouTube Video (Learn more about how to get the link for your YouTube video.)

All videos can be viewed here once they have been reviewed by our team.

Click here to learn more about the issue of veteran mental health and suicide.