Digital Editions - Truckload Authority

This glossy magazine is the official publication of the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) which includes updates from the TCA President and Chairman, government regulations affecting the trucking industry and other trucking related articles and topics. Truckload Authority is mailed directly to TCA members, trucking industry management and C-level executives. Truckload Authority is published six times a year.

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Truckload Authority - July/August 2019

Truckload Authority – July/August 2019 Digital Edition

Road to Nowhere: Political bickering weakens chances for infrastructure plan. | Inside Information: Challenge your mind, trust your gut, says CNBC's Guy Adami. | Cooling Off: For freight carriers, good times not over, but tougher times hover. | Hot Topics: FMCSA's Ray Martinez stops by for a Fireside Chat. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA36 MayJune2019

Truckload Authority – May/June 2019 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - May/June 2019 Digital Edition: Giving Back: TCA Chairman Josh Kaburick focusing on making trucking even better. | Caught in a Roundabout: Is the infrastructure solution going in circles? | High-Driving Motorists: CMV drivers face foggy 4-wheelers. | The 'Truth Laboratory': NFL Hall-of-Famer Steve Young shares life lessons from the gridiron. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA35 MarApr2019

Truckload Authority – March/April 2019 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - March/April 2019 Digital Edition: Truckload Strong: 81st Annual Convention. | Far From Over: California, Teamsters want break preemption reversed. | Strength in Numbers: Profitability program pays off. | Powering Up: Hiring, retaining women gaining traction. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA34 JanFeb2019

Truckload Authority – January/February 2019 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - January/February 2019: Watchdog at FOX: Tucker Carlson discusses D.C. culture, the media, and mainstream America. | Midterm Mayhem: Congress appears headed for more gridlock. | Top Concern: Driver shortage tops list of key issues. | A Hair Closer: Drug abuse bill could be precursor for hair testing. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA33 OctNov2018

Truckload Authority – October/November 2018 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - October/November 2018 Digital Edition: Redefining the Times: Is time running out for the current Hours of Service rule? | Excluded: F4A amendment fails to make final FAA bill. | Rewiring the Road: Electric vehicles changing the landscape. | Giving a Little: Trucking costs rise across the board in 2017. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA32 AugSep2018

Truckload Authority – August/September 2018 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - August/September 2018 Digital Edition: MidTerm Election Turmoil: Can democrats regain control of Congress? | Staying Power: Recruiters, dispatchers play pivotal role in preventing driver turnover. | Plugging Electric Trucks: Industry recharged by the endless possibilities. | Don't Lean On Me: New drivers need to stop relying on GPS, develop navigational skills. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA31 JuneJuly2018

Truckload Authority – June/July 2018 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - June/July 2018 Digital Edition: On the Job: Ray Martinez takes over as FMCSA Administrator. | Job-Hopping: Are drivers who change jobs often going nowhere fast? | Tech Shortage: Is the lack of training by carriers to blame? | Good for Business: Women leadership deemed profitable. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA30 AprilMay2018

Truckload Authority – April/May 2018 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - April/May 2018 Digital Edition: A Real Honor: Trucking industry veteran Dan Doran new TCA Chairman. | Parking Safely: Diverse coalition grapples with age-old problem. | Student of the Game: Ari Fleischer talks about White House communications. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA29 FebMar2018

Truckload Authority – February/March 2018 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - February/March 2018 Digital Edition: The Future of Truckload: What you need to know about the 80th annual TCA convention. | Work Zone: Trump releases $1.5 trillion road bill. | Solid Foundation: TCA Chairman Rob Penner's final Chat. | Bringing Value: Q&A with TCA President John Lyboldt. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...
TLA28 Winter2017

Truckload Authority – Winter 2017 Digital Edition

Truckload Authority - Winter 2017 Digital Edition: In for a Shock: Tesla's electric tractor gaining quick acceptance. | ELD Mandate: It's here, but how many carriers aren't ready? | Critical Mass: There's a slow shift toward healthier lifestyles. | Top 10 Concerns: Driver shortages surges to the top of the list. Click here for more issues of Truckload Authority online. ...