FMCSA nixes 2 proposed CDL rule changes

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FMCSA nixes 2 proposed CDL rule changes
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is dropping two proposed commercial driver’s licensing (CDL) rule changes that were introduced as part of efforts to streamline the credentialing and testing process for new drivers.

WASHINGTON — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is dropping two proposed commercial driver’s licensing (CDL) rule changes that were introduced as part of efforts to streamline the credentialing and testing process for new drivers.

According to a listing on the Federal Register, the FMCSA is withdrawing a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would have allowed states to use a third-party skills test examiner to administer the commercial driver’s license (CDL) skills test to applicants to whom they had also provided skills training.

FMCSA is also withdrawing an NPRM that would have allowed driver applicants to take CDL general and specialized knowledge tests in a state (the testing state) other than the applicant’s home.

This NPRM also noted that the applicant’s home state would have been required to accept knowledge test results from the testing state.

The FMCSA wrote in the Federal Register filing that the decision to remove the rule change considerations was based on comments received from industry stakeholders.

Regarding out-of-state test taking, Pennsylvania noted that there is currently “no way to verify the person taking the knowledge test in another jurisdiction is in fact the same person taking the skills test later in the process,” adding that “(the Commercial Skills Test Information Management System) does not provide a mechanism for verification with other jurisdictions.”

Virginia also noted security concerns, stating that “the requirement to issue a CLP (commercial learner’s permit) remotely undermines the current processes Virginia has in place to ensure that a credential is securely issued to the applicant.”

California also expressed concern over the proposed remote delivery requirement, questioning how secure delivery could be assured if the CLP credential was sent to an address outside their state.

Montana noted “grave concerns about the real and substantial threat of fraudulent activity” if Montana is required to issue a CLP to an applicant who does not personally appear at a Montana driver license location. Minnesota and Virginia cited ongoing difficulties in the processing of out-of-state skills testing results, which could carry over to the processing of knowledge testing results.

Regarding third-party testing, the FMCSA Federal Register post noted that most commenters opposed the NPRM, citing concerns about fraud, conflict of interest or examiner bias.

These commenters argued that allowing the same individual to train and test the applicant could undermine the integrity of the skills testing process, thereby negatively impacting safety.

As one individual noted, “The proposed rule removes the necessary impartiality of the CDL examiner, allowing the instructor to fail or pass student drivers with whom they have developed a relationship. This is not a fair assessment of the candidates’ abilities.”

A commenter identifying as a trainer with 22 years of experience expressed a similar concern, explaining that “the reason another trainer has to test my student is to prevent bias or just passing them along.”

Another commenter said that, while some companies “will do due diligence to make sure drivers are trained properly,” lifting the restriction would remove necessary checks and balances from the skills testing process.

The Minnesota Trucking Association stated that lifting the restriction “would cause an increased risk of intentional and unintentional bias in testing results.”

One individual observed that current alternative approaches to detecting fraud in CDL testing, identified in the NPRM, “rely on the principle of deterrence rather than prevention . . . which allows unqualified drivers to obtain their CDLs and legally operate [commercial] motor vehicles on public roadways without proper training—at least until the fraud is discovered.”

All of the states that commented on the NPRM (Virginia, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota and Missouri) also raised concern that lifting the prohibition could negatively impact safety by undermining the integrity of skills testing.

As Washington stated, the NPRM “adds substantial risk” to third party testing “by introducing an apparent conflict of interest.”

Additionally, three states voiced concerns about accepting skills testing results for applicants tested in states that had lifted the restriction.

Oregon stated that, while the proposed change is “permissive in nature, given the requirement to accept out-of-state CDL skills test results, adoption by other jurisdictions will pose a risk that we have deemed unacceptable.”

Similarly, Virginia noted it would be “unable to guard against fraud in these situations and that unsafe drivers will be licensed to drive interstate impacting safety in Virginia and elsewhere.”

Washington expressed “strong concerns with accepting skills test results from other jurisdictions allowing (third party skills test examiners) to test the individuals they train.”

linda gardner bunch

Linda Garner-Bunch has been in publishing for more than 30 years. You name it, Linda has written about it. She has served as an editor for a group of national do-it-yourself publications and has coordinated the real estate section of Arkansas’ only statewide newspaper, in addition to working on a variety of niche publications ranging from bridal magazines to high-school sports previews and everything in between. She is also an experienced photographer and copy editor who enjoys telling the stories of the “Knights of the Highway,” as she calls our nation’s truck drivers.

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Linda Garner-Bunch has been in publishing for more than 30 years. You name it, Linda has written about it. She has served as an editor for a group of national do-it-yourself publications and has coordinated the real estate section of Arkansas’ only statewide newspaper, in addition to working on a variety of niche publications ranging from bridal magazines to high-school sports previews and everything in between. She is also an experienced photographer and copy editor who enjoys telling the stories of the “Knights of the Highway,” as she calls our nation’s truck drivers.
For over 30 years, the objective of The Trucker editorial team has been to produce content focused on truck drivers that is relevant, objective and engaging. After reading this article, feel free to leave a comment about this article or the topics covered in this article for the author or the other readers to enjoy. Let them know what you think! We always enjoy hearing from our readers.


Not doing anything? Are you for real? There’s a whole host of reasons why folks are not gravitating to trucking. But putting our food supply and fuel supply in the hands of foreign nationals with no allegiance to the U.S. or our culture is a disaster in waiting.

I believe we should have to take the test in the state that we live in and I don’t see where Trucking trainers can issue a license or anything like that it shouldn’t be that way you should have to go to the driver license bureau and take your test that way they know for sure that you’re the one doing it I don’t think a lot of people out here have enough common sense to be out here I’ve been out here for over 20-something years and I’ve seen a lot of stupid people in the past 10-15 years on their phones driving got their legs propped up on the dash driving swerving all over the road flying through parking lots cutting off cars and trucks we have to have rules and standards and you have the foreigners need to go by the same rules and standards too if they can’t suspend their license take them away and don’t give them back there’s no shortage of drivers out here that’s just a big Fleet morning the higher people because the ones that are driving for him I’ve gotten smarter and are going to where the money is and that is just my opinion but everybody has one

Some of my post did not come out right the driver’s driving from Big fleets have found out that other companies pay real money so the big fleets or losing drivers they’re the ones that are whining and crying to the government and yeah and I agree if they cannot go by a rules and standards foreigners or anyone else their license need to be taken away and not give them back

I hear you let me tell you my story here I go I was hurt on the job about 9 years ago I’m now 63 I want to get back to driving but nobody will hire me because I can’t verify my last 5 years of employment I’m trying believe me I get turned down daily I’ve had my class a for thirty years tanker, doubles/triples ends. but you need exp.drivind for the last year or two that I can’t verify . American looking for good paying driving job.Thank you

Wow, The reason truck drivers are so racist is because they’re so damn uneducated. If you aren’t Native American you’re an immigrant or decendant from immigrants. Stop being entitled. America has always belongs to those that come to work and better their life’s.

Uneducated? What exactly is your definition of an education? Does one need to be a college graduate to be considered educated? Must this college education be a 4 year bachelor’s degree, 2 year associates, 8+ year PHD? Or must one simply be capable of stringing coherent sentences that align with your concept of intelligence? In that case, you’re uneducated. “America has always belongs to those that come to work and better their life’s” is not a coherent sentence and puts you right in the basket you are judging. I’m a truck driver with 30 years of CDL A experience who also happens to have a bachelor of science from a university. Many truck drivers happen to be very intelligent, informed, and perhaps even, educated holding degrees as lofty as PHD’s. But thank you sir for you educated opinion on why so many truck drivers are racist, no doubt conducted through peer reviewed research and data collection/analyisis.

Good question then why do you cut us off when we are traveling down the road at the speed limit and then jar on your brakes and make us lock up our trailer brakes and we have about 80,000 pounds on that trailer of goods taking it to your stores and bringing you goods. So the next time you cut a trucker off think twice we’re not racist. We want to get to our families home to, not all truckers are racist and stop protesting this crap and calling us racist and the next time you get in front of us , Our trailer brakes or engine brake may malfunction and we have no way to stop so think about that next time you cut off a trucker and decide to be an asshole and slam on your brakes. Do you have a nice day and think about calling us a racist or flipping us off because we’re bringing your goods to you and everything else that you consume your fuel or your batteries for your electric car. Think twice before you open your mouth and let stuff spill out of it because you don’t know what we go Through on a daily basis of driving us trucks or at a site unloading my hand and being away from my families. I have a multicultural family . So the next time you want to cut us off, think about your family because we’re thinking about ours at that last second that we have to lock those brakes up and come to a complete stop and it takes us almost about four football fields because of the rate of speed we’re going and the time it takes to slow down that heavy load. You have a nice day and God bless you

You’re right it’s not racist it’s bad choice of words and in truth people come here to better their lives I give that but if you can’t drive you don’t need to have a license and that goes for any of us

That bullshit that in the past
I was born In the mother f USA
So I am not a immigrant
Stupid fool.

that’s a good question why do they allow that haven’t they learned yet. What happened in Colorado with the young Mexican man can’t read English or write English why do they drive with the CDL? And plus they drive crazy they scared the hell out of me

So who don’t scare u white drivers Chinese Indian native we all just out here trying to make a living I ain’t saying they ain’t bad ones out there but where isn’t there a bad one there’s that brother sister uncle mother or father boss waitress or even ourselves


Well, it’s come to my attention,that the constitutional republic has fallen. And expect them taking,and doing what ever they want.These Tresonus rats think they are in control,but control is an illusion.

Who’s going grow a set and take the government assistance from the government. I pay $27,000 a year to federal tax.

My wife scares me I don’t let her drive I drive when I’m home I tell her straight up that she cannot drive

Man I feel you I am the exact same way bro I don’t trust anybody driving but my owne

That’s the same way I feel. I can’t ride with my wife not because she can’t drive, because after a month in a chicken truck from Texas to California you get in passenger seat of a Camaro at 65 looks like we’re doing 165, 1 time 1 time only I went for that ride,,started driving at 18 yrs old I’m 60 now been off road for 10yrs let the young guys have it..seen too much

First of all, that young man was from Cuba. Second, the company should never gave had him drive in the mountains without first training him. Everyone should be informed about Stop Work Authority. That kid should have said no, but was probably too frightened to do so. Third, their CSA history showed at least two roadside DOT inspections that had brake write ups. Truck drivers are not the crazy drivers (some are stupid and inexperienced however), individuals in cars are crazy. Trucks cannot be driven in a crazy manner. They cannot accelerate quickly, they cannot stop abruptly, they cannot weave in and out of traffic erratically… cars pop in and out, cut in front of an 80,000 pound truck and hit the brakes, really dumb considering a truck doesnt have the ability to stop as quick as a car and is a lot bigger. Try watching some you tube videos on Truck vs Car… then tell us who the crazy ones are. I come from a history where truck drivers were the best on the road. Not just the best drivers, the most courteous and compassionate, the most professional. I agree that this type of truck driver, the type of driver sung about by Red Sovine and other country greats is no longer on the road like they used to be. It’s a sad fact, but a fact produced by modernity, societal changes, and the overall self entitled temperment of most every individual on the road.

The young Man is Cuban, not Mexican, and it wasn’t because he couldn’t read, it was because he made a bad choice no experience.
Did he deserve 110 years, probably. Qhat do you do when your brakes fail 0n a 6 percent down grade?

Good god, the irony in this response. It’s funny that you are worried about “foreigners” that can’t speak english, when you, as an American, can’t complete a grammatically correct sentence.

The funny part if all of our ancestors we immigrants at one point. But yet there’s no respect for the Indians at all, yet they were all rounded up and told you have to live here. But that’s OK. Fucking assholes. But it’d be different if it were them.

Foreigners nothing to do with it, this is a country of immigrants. If your not Native American, I am sure that at some point your ancestors imigrated to the US. I am sure that Sitting Bull said the same thing: these people can’t read smoke signals.
There is no room for racism!!
The problem is; our Americans are too lazy to go out and work.

Well it is actually a law for getting a cdl that you have to read and speak English but all these foreign people are cheating and only memorizing the test therefore it is not racism it is simply fact that they should not be driving a cmv and if you don’t like that then you should just leave the country not being rude just simply being truthful not every single thing is racist just because it hurts your feelings sorry but that’s life 😉

And how exactly do you know that they cheat on their test? Did you cheat yourself, or do you sit at the dmv and watch them cheat?

And how exactly do you know that they cheat on their test? Did you cheat yourself, or do you sit at the dmv and watch them cheat?

Do you guys know that the cdl tests are given in like 4 or 5 different languages! Just saying.

Hi Alvarez, well I’m gonna feel a little bad with my story but…if your still reading this I can tell you one way it has happened. So a little background, I retired out of the army at jblm Washington and decided to get my cdl again and it was honestly easier just to go back to school again and get them reinstated. Me ( a white boy) and my instructor ( a Mexican) began our road trips together and we developed a good relationship because we had alot of similarities in our background. Lol…now like I said, I would never sell him out but I can honestly say he damm sure did push me right on through. Now to be fair, I obviously knew my way around a truck and wasn’t brand new to the industry. But when the day came for me to test for my cdl…guess what my administrator was….Mexican. So of course before we started my instructor went to talk to him before we started, now he spoke to him in Spanish and I really didn’t understand most of it but I’m pretty confident it was to the extent of ” he’s good to go”. Bro before I even had my seatbelt on my paper work was done….PASS. Oh yeah, and I was done with school in 7 days, but my driver packet looked like I had been their for 2 months with stellar reviews.🤣🤣🤣🤣 And I wanna say mabe 2 hours after I had my cdl my instructor lined up a job at construction company where I was making 30/hr and I was local. Now I don’t put this story out their just because of the whole “cheating” topic I put it out their because I needed a job yesterday and sometimes the “rules” really only benefit the system. So I am thankful for our Hispanic brothers and sisters that bent the rules for me so I could get on with life. So the last 5 years I have been driving I will be completely honest as far as any negatives I have gotten. I’ve have gotten 3 citations. Overweight, and two for failure to wear seatbelt. I let you all judge from here😁😁😁😁

Your point would be given more credence if you had a handle on the English language, grammar and spelling yourself. <>

I agree after 40+ yrs I’ve retired seen a lot but I have to put the responsibility back on government

So I enrolled because of this new law, netts but before I did I already had my permit! They don’t like that! Because they turn what by law was 3 weeks only inti 22weeks? 1st 3 weeks are to get permit and dot! I already have? So I bring it up and was told stick in there, you’ll learn more! This isn’t helping at all! We are not robots! This was the dumbest thing on the planet!!! Just open your eyes! 12k to get a license now!

Your Comment is questionable, we’re ” Chauffeurs licenses a better option =NOT!!! Teamsters Union dues being stolen by Organized Crime to finance Las Vegas Casinos, plenty of Stolen Freight ie, CF ( Corn Flake & Yellow Freight ) Stolen Fuel Parts & accessories etc,etc. How about Multiple Licenses ? & Multiple Log Books and Questionable Equipment ? Driver’s being Forced to Go back out for One More Load ? = ” Git er Done ” Turn & Burn baby ? Trucks that Road like a Tank & Handled WORSE, OH YEAH them ” Good Ole Days Yee Hah Rawhide ?

You guys are so right we are out numbered 6 out of 10 are foreigner I have 36 years in this it is sad.

I don’t think Class A licensed driver’s should be allowed to get their license or training in any State except for the state they live and pay Taxes in, and each time they they have to get it renewed they should have to report to their DMV Office, and background checks should be done on everyone to make sure they are not wanted for felonies no-show-warrents. I’m not saying anything about don’t prevent giving them a license if they have any previous arrests or tickets but if they are wanted for felonies no-show-warrents do something about it, not everyone out on our highway’s are good people they could be the person who are on the 10 most wanted list.
And the States that are wanting to let 18 YEAR OLD’S !!! start driving cross country and our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PLEASE THINK AGAIN THEY ARE TOO YOUNG !!!

I believe you are the top wanted in the country. You are a complete fucking moron, yes I’m from Mexico for all the damn racists here, you concidere yourselves american.
American natives are the real American, you damn racists are fucking Albino ppl and are immigrants same as the foreigners you mention in this topic.
I’m a CDL holder, I hauled a tank at first, I’m hauling refer now, but I’m going for the hazmat endorsement and is the FBI the one that will say if I’ll have the honor to hold it, not one stupid moron in this comments room, I have seen some of you that are just big mouth, bunch of cowards.

I come from a family of drivers, went to a third party tester in my early 20’s, got a 97 on my skills test and have been driving for nearly 30 years now. I’ve driven every mountain pass in Colorado loaded as heavy as 180,000+lbs hauling heavy equipment. I’ve been all over the US pulling everything from lowboys to reefers. In my carrer I have had to retrain drivers who graduated from truck driving schools. They cannot shift floating gears, they do not know how to drive under a load and never learned to use the Jake to help shift with a load, on a hill, from a stop, while turning, etc.. why don’t these schools train them while loaded?

Well I know for one am totally against 18 year olds being able to be over-the-road drivers I’m not that some aren’t mature enough but most aren’t

I live in Texas safe driver for 35 years, been trying to obtain my class b with p&s end, for 2.5 months now.. jumping thru EVERY hoop they throw at us taking every class required and shill my local office won’t administer the skills and driving test because 2 of my completions aren’t showing up on ELOP (enforced Feb 7th after I obtained my CLP) and they wonder why they can’t get bus drivers and truck drivers..they make it almost impossible to pass

Inn the 80’s what happened . We made a stand and said we are going on strike…. I say Make the Union Strong again. 💪….. With that said America we need you as well so stand up bind together. …. JUST BECAUSE OUR LEADER DOESNT “CARE” WE SHOULDNT FOLLOW . CARING INN AMERICA WHATS THAT. ILL TELL YOU CARE SPEAK BIND TOGETHER FOR ALL WHO SACRAFICED FOR OUR FREEDOM THE RED,WHITE & BLUE🇺🇸 THE NO CARING AND NoT STANDING UP FOR our Rights,Freedom our Pedge to be one nation under God. Why are we allowing foreign peeps to come inn daily illegally Bidens son over inn Russia doing bad buisness, if people want freedom well the Fight. Because All I hear is can you believe there getting away with breaking laws. Well you can’t complain by whT you allow America don’t follow or be like A leader who doesn’t care. . Be a leader. Start Caring. It’s never to late. I’m you don’t believe that then you bought into the lie….

Well here is one for you have you ever noticed what Warner wants from the gov warner gets. Here is another . you know you can go on strike all it takes is one week cost to cost of no trucks moving fuel prices go down drivers would get what they want . see all you have to do first is say that all your are going on vacation. Do like they did in the 70s you move that truck and see what happens. If you want someone to help you get started let me know .

Douglas garner,you mean the Cuban driver in colorado.knowing a little bit of geography doesn’t hurt anyone. Yes I’m a foreigner.

All Americans know the difference between Cuba and Mexico.. he was mistaken. Has nothing to do with a person’s knowledge of geography although you’d like to run with that fake narrative. I can’t wait until Trump gets reelected. I’m going to volunteer my time for the massive deportation campaign

Yes I’M a foreigner, but you are the dumbest moron, you same as Trump.
You believe from the south border of the USA all the way down to the Patagonia is Mexico what a damn ass.
This country is rich in culture and powerful because of the diversity the country is made of.
It’s some racist ppl like you, los que bien a cagar mis cojones, pendejo.

Yup born here young citizens don’t want to drive, someone has do it. With out drivers we don’t have a striving economy. This is all this hocus pocus is about. So they are trying to facilitate the system for new comers so we don’t run out of drivers ,but it should not be sacrificing safety for money . Safety first right ?

Give some drivers who have a criminal background a chance who’ve been waiting and wanting to drive for years give a person a second chance have a heart you’ll be surprised how many vacant spaces they can feel!

Ur right I bet they be some hell of a driver cuz u given them the opportunity that they want to earn or more for there family and know if they mess up that’s it for them trust me I know

That’s funny because I have a criminal background. Been to prison twice. (Not bragging). 1986 received 5 do 2 served 1. 1988 received 10 years 5 to serve. Served 4 years 7 months. (Violent Felony). Came out both times getting right back in the seat. Had to get travel permit through parole/probation office. 30days at the time. After 3 months was given a blanket permit. Was good for 6 months at a time. All I had to do was report once a month via phone. Drove truck up until last year when I broke my neck. 39 years OTR. explain your statement. Felons have no problem getting a job driving.

Mr. Morris, I’d have to concur with you, brother.

As you stated, I’m not bragging by far, merely letting it be known that a person should never let their “poor choices” and the ensuing “criminal background” stigmatize them. Nor should they allow such to become obstacles on their road to rehabilitation/retribution.

I too have served five years followed by another five years of post-release supervision (parole, or probation, depending upon which state you reside in) for a multitude of felonies between two separate, yet bordering, states. Granted, none of those felonies included any offenses that involved motor vehicles. However, they did include a violent felony in one state, and the other involved a bank.

I’m unsure if you experienced this during your incarceration, but there seems to be this mindset amongst the prison population that once you get labeled a “violent felon” you’re basically branded for life. Therefore, you should just give up, because you’ll never be able to find a job and succeed in life.
Man, what a crock of BS!

Yeah, the branded part is true, but there are ways around that. There is ALMOST always a way around any obstacle you’ll face in life. The question is, are you willing to fight for it, or are you just going to give into “popular belief”?

Anyway, long story short, I received a job with a roofing supply company within two weeks of my release in late 2016. I then received my CDL through that company within the first year.
Needless to say, I’ve been driving commercially every day since then.

I have a friend who has been trying to get that 2nd chance with a criminal record who did you drive for he has his cdl already.

Retards, only reason there is a shortage of drivers is because you push out drivers with all the damn regulations. We are the most regulated industry in the US. Anyone person spouting bs about our jobs and don’t drive a truck shouldn’t even be saying anything.
Want to fix the problem? We have governors on our trucks, clocks regulating our times, laws pushing a perfect ride. While we have to deal with 4 wheels trying to kill themslfs. My wife literally had a uber passenger complain there where trucks on the road. Did they just need to get them off the road.

Most trucks can’t go past 68 mph. Then we got a camera that slow the truck down cause some idiot pulls infront of us and it slows the truck down to get a distance from that car.

There should be grave concern, for many drivers from outside U.S. borders will try every angle to obtain a CDL, and once obtained fraudulently are able to roam the country hauling who knows what for who knows who, and that can be a very dangerous situation. In order to drive safely on America’s roadways a CDL driver must know how to read English and understand the posted speed limits and signs that inform us of lane changes and construction changes, and with third party examiners who knows what would happen in the U.S.A. especially with a wide open unsecured border.

The So Called Driver Shortage Is Caused By Large Carrier Corporate Profit Greed.
If They Can Short Pay A Warm Body With NO Experience.
It Only Adds To Their Greedy Profit Bottom Line…
And Creates A Safety Problem, Only Needing Someone To Move The Truck.
They Will Always Figure A Way To Get Rid Of Better Paid SAFE Drivers.
Someday The Government Will Check On Payroll Taxes NOT Paid By The Corporate Greed Monsters…
The Per Diem Debacle…
Need More Info ??
I Can Spell It Out For Ya !!

Or you use a major carrier to get the training and start a trucking career. Then after you gain experience you move on.

Every had to start somewhere. The cost of training schools is pretty high.

Always the ones that have a skill want to stop others from getting that skill also.

I’m not against the student getting skills but I believe they should have to ride with a trainer for up to a year before they could ever begin to get a truck of Their Own

You do not need anymore regulation period. Verification of Legitimate US citizenship most definitely!!. Case and point I have 2 honorable discharges from 2 branches of US military .I had a valid CDL from state of Md. Now this is where it gets interesting…The federal.motor carriers regulations. Indicate you may only have 1 CDL ,mine w a s valid as was my DOT card thru Feb 2022. So I was told by Berkeley Co. WV assessors office I needed to get a WV picture ID in order to get a homestead exemption(tax credit due at age 65) why not I thought ? So I go to Martinsburg DMV to go thru process of getting This ID only to find out later that it cancelled out my CDL. AFTER numerous phone calls & LETTERS to W V Gov Justice,Congressman Mooney,Senator Capito
MR MORRISSEY ALL TO NO AVAIL. Would it be a good assessment to say why I lack faith of these government officials

I also Have Two Honorable Discharges from the U.S. Military. First I served in the Airforce having joined on my 17th Birthday.. Then later when I was trying to get a degree I quit College and Joined the the U.S. Army 82nd Airborne. After military I Fucked up big time and am now a Convicted Felon first with a Forth Degree assault then my second was a Third Degree Assault for which I served a 3 to 5 yr sentence in the Joint.. Since all my Fuck ups I have gotten my Class A CDL with Double Triple Tanker and Hazmat and Then I secured my Airframe and Powerplant License and Received my Inspection Authorization and for a short time was even assigned a Job and Andrews Airforce Base with Priority Air Transport. I gave up my Hazmat for now because I didn’t have the cash for the FBI Check when I was renewing. I’m not an uneducated fool or a Racist but I think the Rules are there to protect the public. Personally I believe if you’re going to be driving on our Roads you better know how to Read Speak and Understand English !!

It is very clear that drivers are needed, but you’re right; it does not help when the governing system itself is the hold up with regulations.
My MC application was placed into vetting on January 13, supposedly for 2-8 weeks. I made many calls and sent emails with concerns of this and was continually told that everything was in order and that I just had to be patient.
On the day of the 10th week (March 10) I left a voice mail, an email, and spoke with one of the agents. Then I was removed from vetting and placed in “pending”. I called and was told that everything was fine; I just had to be patient.
I have spent many THOUSANDS of dollars setting up my business and making monthly payments on loans, and my driver is now working for another trucking company.
Why the vetting if everything is fine and drivers are so badly needed?

A USA citizen goes to the nearest major carrier training school, which happens to be out of state. Gets trained, now they have to travel back to their home state and wait for testing date depending on the state can take a while with Covid. After a month of training they have to wait and while they wait there new skills drop off.

No more third party testing or testing by the major carrier school. Does this help the new driver?

All the while that person could be with a mentor on the road learning with. CDL in hand making money.

Fear from a foreign person is hurting USA person. To many of you guys live in fear. When did we Americans get so scared by everything. Most of sound like a woman moaning and complaining and afraid of everything. Man Up!

FMCSA has way too many regulations to make driving a large unit profitable anymore. The industry is over regulated. BS on the safety argument. Limiting hours of service, then not having enough safe parking when not driving,
DOT inspectors that tell you to your face ‘they don’t like trucks or truck drivers.’, changing rules every year, it goes on and on. FJB

This is the White House push to give undocumented immigrants a job. Another example of the democratic party in breaking laws to get votes. This new rule puts everyone on the American highways at risk

First of all, a LOT of comments make no sense. Words left out, sentences not complete, plus pure plain ignorance.
DRIVE since 1974. Still rolling. We don’t need unions. What we need is cooperation from all aspects of trucking. Get rid of the American Truckers Assoc. They have NEVER been for the driver. Always for the big companies.
Laws and regulations? How about enforcing them! From truck companies to drivers. Shippers and receivers. CDL schools and licensing agents. THER are federal regulations that REQUIRE a person to be able to read and converse in English to acquire a CDL. 18 year-olds? NEVER. Can the govt require ins companies to cover 18 yr olds? Probably.
So many problems “out there” to deal with, but no one can do it alone. Everywhere I go the complaints are the same, but the bigger companies benefit by the same problems knocking down the drivers. For sure, if you haven’t driven or been closely associated to trucking, politician or not, stay out of it! You no experience to draw from. Leave it to the professionals. BTW all drivers are NOT professionals. Not courtesy out there today. Folks talk about “respect”. Respect is NEVER given. It is always earned. If you don’t don’t be job right, don’t expect to be respected. EARN IT BY YOUR ACTIONS, NOT YOUR MOUTH!!! Last but not least, I’ve heard several younger drivers say us “old guys” need to retire and leave the road don’t be young guys. I’ll tell you, if need be I can still do 1,000 overnight. Got an old truck hot rod that’ll go. So…..y’all stay in the right lane and let’s us “old guys” keep on keep’in on!!! We respect each other!!! See y’all somewhere!!

I am so glad I read this article, it has a lot of great opinions concerning the drivers in this country. I have personal experience with new drivers that get their CDL. The schools do not train them for the road to be safe, all they do is take there money and teach them how to pass the Dmv test. I don’t believe that we should license anyone under 21 y.o, they are not experienced enough in life to be able to make good decisions as needed in a truck that is hauling 70,000 to 80,000 lbs. and able to drive 11 hours a day and work 14 hours. We have to make improvements to the whole system. I find that there is a lot of drivers that just don’t care, all they care about is money and how much they can make. I find that foreign drivers use their country driving habits which has no or less rules for safe driving.

I think the drivers examiners should have at least 5 to 7 years over the road experience to even give the driving part of the exam. In council bluffs iowa you are forced to double clutch. You also have to get everything on the walk around or you fail. They are clueless, I by far am not saying that you shouldn’t know these things. But when they are trying to fail the truck because they don’t know the manual that a problem. No alarm when you air pressure is at 90 psi fail. Tires not at 95 psi, I had one at 100 it failed. Get real.

I’ve had my Commercial License since 1976, and that’s what they were originally called. Was Grandfathered in when they became CDL’s in 1984. Half of you haven’t a clue what driving a real truck was back then. You helped each other out in them days. You all sound like sissy’s that can’t even type a correct sentence from your stupid keyboard, or phone. Y’all have done nothing to make trucking any better from then to now. The rates are still poorly the same and the damn food has really gone to shit. Nothing good is ever gonna change this system they got because first off you gonna get these stupid unions out of it. That’s where you need to start at. Go to your State Congressman or Senators’ and put your foot on their throats and demand changes. That’s who has set up all these rules and stupid regulations. Demand Action from them now. Talking about that other boys Mama and all this name calling ain’t gonna git you a damn thing. Grow up and start acting like real men, demand what you want. Your the Truck Driver with the CDL working for a living, NOT THE STUPID GOVERMENT.

All these rules for the driver but a bullshit warehouse can hold you for hours, that’s who need more rules


Ok, you speak English but the #UNIT you’re are operating is from a non English speaking individuals. Who is smarter and who can do better between the two?”.

I have had my CDL since 1988. I had to go to queerbec Canada for years picking up connecting rods for Chrysler motors the first time i went there i stopped at a Canadian truck stop and asked for directions and the jerk who worked there stated that he didn’t speak English so i said ok i walked over to the pop cooler and grabbed the biggest bottle of pop i could and walked back to the counter and gave him 50.cents and started walking to the door right now he started yelling at me in English that it costs 3.00 i said i thought you didn’t speak English i told him that if he didn’t give me directions i was leaving with the pop for 50.cents right now he gave me the directions found that if you mess with there money they learn English real fast

Well I worked at a company where I excepted trucks coming in to the staging area and I had him inspect them and to show them where to line up and there was a lot of drivers that could not back there rig or turn it Around I have a CDL and I had to literally help them turn there trucks around and they were all foreigners I have nothing against foreigners trying to support their family but it seems like they get more assistance than Americans do and more breaks and guess what I am not White. So I saw some of the frustration that Americans have firsthand now a lot of these people that wrote some of the comments did not identify as being white they however talked about Foreign drivers, And some of the people reading their comments assume that they were white instead of just being Frustrated Americans we really need to stop assuming that everyone who writes a comment and talking about foreigners is white stop with the white stuff already and just be one nation under God, together we stand divided we fall.

First off let me explain to those of you who say that there is voter fraud & the election was stolen. Have you ever worked the polls? If you would you would see the enormity of “stealing an election” & the impossibility of it actually happening. I am NOT a Biden fan but I have worked the polls & can tell you that for an election to be “stolen” would take a conspiracy of tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of pollers to do that. This is how the polling sites work in a FREE COUNTRY!! First off, you have a Republican & Democrat poll watcher at each counter, or poller as it is called, then you have the counter / poller who has signed an affidavit to be fair & concise no matter their affiliation plus a supervisor who has to do the same. Lastly, if there is an issue that arises by either poll watcher or the counter about a ballot then the supervisor is called over to make a determination. If they cannot get it solved each polling place has a judge on call to give the final decision. Now, me personally, if I was part of conspiracy that would have to be that huge I would offer up my story to Fox or CNN IMMEDIATELY after the election for at least a million dollars!! If you want to face the truth then please go work the polls & then you can accuse & condemn the people who are actually doing it because then you would know the truth!! Instead you listen to an idiot ( which could be Trump, or Biden ) & believe a lier. In that case you really don’t want to know the TRUTH if it doesn’t match up with the so called “truth” you want to hear & that is pure stupidity!!! If you really care about America then support DEMOCRACY instead of some far left, or far right, BS!!! Also, treason is only applicable against a country & NOT AN INDIVIDUAL!!! Getting back to the article I would have to agree with people who are licensed here to know ENGLISH!! If they can’t speak it, or spell it, then how in the hell can they read the road signs??? I also don’t think that a school should be allowed to test their own students because, as previously stated, the student learns just enough to pass the test & that is all they learn. As far as 18 year olds go, they have only been driving two years in a four wheeler and now they are going to drive a big truck??? Dumbest thing I have ever heard. ALL of the studies that the insurance industry has done have ALWAYS shown that the less experienced drivers, of any vehicle, are more likely to have, or cause, an accident. Not the way to solve the driver shortage problem, period!!! There are many other things that can be done to rectify the driver shortage problem, such as holding the shippers & receivers responsible for making sure they don’t hold a driver at their place of business for any longer that one to two hours max!!! The average age of a truck driver is 46 years old, which is the oldest of ANY INDUSTRY IN THE WORLD!!! The younger generations accept that smoking a joint at the end of the day is the same as drinking at the end of the day & studies show that you are only “high” for three (3) hours from it. Where as if you drink six pack of beer, or go to a bar & drink, you could be drunk when you wake up!! Also, contrary to popular belief, there are only two drugs that you can die from while in DT’s. They are Opiates & Alcohol!!! Let’s get our heads out of our asses & make America listen up to the fact that nobody wants to get into this industry because of these issues mentioned above, and putting more regulations on us, not doing anything about pay ( the 90’s were the last time anybody in this industry did any type of pay compensation adjustments ) is what is driving out those of us who have been doing this for any real length of time. The turn over rate for this industry is at an all time high of 90%!! The big companies like Werner, Schneider, Swift, JB Hunt, etc. have a turn over rate of 97%!!! These my fellow drivers are facts & I would hope that you would check out on your own and find out the REAL TRUTH before trying to contradict them from a post on social media, which is where a lot of folks nowadays get their “truthful news” from!! I hope ALL of you stay safe out there & GOD Bless you & all of your loved ones & if you don’t like the way someone votes then by all means install an authoritarian government ( dictatorship ) & don’t let anyone vote. Then this country can be absorbed by Russia, China, or even North Korea. Maybe then you’ll be happy!! But, I very seriously doubt that!!! GOD Bless AMERICA!!! Keep it between the ditches my fellow PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS!!!

Richard A Paulson. You are the only person here that don’t offend the minorities, thanks for your kindness, yes I’m a foreigner and a CDL holder, I always say that I’m sharing the road with a lot of road users and my safety and their safety is a top priority for me. I was a local driver, now I’m otr and been after the Appalachian mountains, same as here in the Midwest, four wheelers drivers believe they can fit in the smallest room between a big rig hauling near a full load (80 000) lbs and other vehicle in front with 80 feet in between, that put not just us as a CDL drivers at risk but themselves also. Hope you never change your attitude, let’s keep america moving forward.

I’m late to this whole party but you are in my opinion correct it’s all in education and taking said education to its full potential I know many that have the highest of education and can’t use a hammer or know the fundamentals of working with there hands no common sense at all at all we maybe in the 21st century but those who can’t do parish those that try have a chance those that read the surroundings adapt ask and understand daily evolve in to a working society no matter race creed or color we where put here to help each other and pass along our knowledge not let the other set while do But this is the world we built we as a whole did this we vote because we can’t agree we protest because we disagree we become traitors , racist and uneducated when we don’t side with either we have a rally cry of foreigners don’t belong but we forget this is a country that said give us your tired your weak your oppressed here you have the right to worship live and work as free Americans nothing in this life is free nothing someone somewhere pays the arguments between each of you are proof not knowing race color or creed education or up bringing we assume ignorance I’ve seen the most uneducated do the most amazing I’ve seen the most educated do the dumbest shit imagined the problem is us and we need to fix us quietly and quickly but it’s not just trucking
or warehousing we are really concerned it’s hundreds of years of manipulation of doing for not only the over educated the useless the unwilling. And yet we the doers have stopped doing to build a wall to put up a front to try and stop the tide of wrong that is being forced on us do the right thing even when no one is looking but we can’t because we are a country of greed and profit and are not going to do anything without a media.. no one is coming to rescue us we knew that when we hit Plymouth rock when we stepped of the mayflower the only problem is we forgot to cover our tracks and now all that we left to be free and independent cost us so much then is 20 times that today.. remember that education well this is where it comes into play

Ummm, they caught them in Atlanta committing voter fraud. Remember the whole water main broke and they threw out the observers???? They have them recorded pulling out boxes of ballots.

Your all a bunch of pussys that double clutch to shift,and look in the book when your not sure what to do.If your a true natural,you don’t brag because you don’t have to .People know you got it ,when you don’t use the clutch to shift.rpms and a little pressure on the stick ponk. Thats right you cdL truck driving school flunkys.Im the best from the west,Jake brake that sucker.

I’m an immigrant, not I’ve read the comments and it seems Americans hates immigrants.

I’m busy driving a truck which had two American driver on it before me, a 2020 model kenworth T680. The damage this truck had when I got it, told me that American driver don’t know how to drive, yeah they know how to drive, yet Americans don’t know how to drive decently.

Now I’m sitting with the cost of of the damage the two American drivers did to this truck.

So when it comes to driving, please dear Americans keep your mouths shut.

Raymond you shut the @#$& up like the American Clint Eastwood once said! As an American driver when I get to my stops I always have an foreigner come up and ask me is this the correct address while showing me his bills!? Other day one of you was holding up a door because he delivered his to the wrong state which was 7 state’s away and it was supposed to be there at that time! So Raymond close your mouth!!!

Uh Oregon is stupid they allowed illegal immigrants driver licenses so now there going to pipe up about cdl? Clown brown for the win! How stupid… according to the fmsca they have to read and speak English so how are they going to enforce it with a learner permit? Do the like retard scale masters and ignore it? This is a joke and so is rhe fmsca.

Foreigners nothing to do with it, this is a country of immigrants. If your not Native American, I am sure that at some point your ancestors imigrated to the US. I am sure that Sitting Bull said the same thing: these people can’t read smoke signals.
There is no room for racism!!
The problem is; our Americans are too lazy to go out and work.

Stop pin pointing out people, know this guy is racist, no doubt about it. “And they drive crazy”. Your scared because you have bitch tendesies!!

Okay. Last week I went to perform a road test and interview at Driscoll foods. Having my CDL A license for close to 30 years with many types of different vehicles including towing experience. My interview went nicely and then the road test. Here’s where it gets good. The instructor gives me the keys and tells me to start the truck and put the 4ways on,I asked shouldn’t I put all the lights on? He said no while he was on a phone call. We then stepped to the back of the vehicle and asked me what do you see. Well I said the 4ways are on but I don’t know about all of the other ones. I said I see a lift gate and it’s latched but no lock or safety pin. He said this truck doesn’t have one.There was no body damage or leaks.He asked me what about the reflective tape and I said it was fine . He then gets another phone call and takes it,while waiting for him, I looked at the passenger side and found the wheels and tires in great shape nothing missing or leaking and 4ways working, lol. I did find a wire harness hanging and went to the front again 4ways work F- everything else right? No damage or leaks. Good tires and refer unit. I went down the driver’s side all was good and 4ways, yay! I checked the battery box,tires and wheels no leaks with that idle time limit shut the truck off. Now he comes back and apologized for the delay. So we go back to the pass side and I told him everything was good but this wire harness was hanging.he said that was okay. Hmm! What about the reflective tape he asked? I said there’s nothing wrong with it. we go to the front and I said everything looks good especially the 4ways I said. He asked about the windshield and I said it’s fine. We never even did the driver’s side he said get in and start it back up. I asked if we were going to do a proper pre-check and he said no, time is money and can you put the heat on? He then asked about the dash and I explained the gauges and what their functions were. He asked me what happens when your air pressure goes below 60psi, I said low air buzzer and light comes on and 40 he asked,I said your parking brakes Lock.We didn’t check to see if it works! Now on to safety inside the cab. Fire extinguisher, triangles and I asked about a first aid kit. He said no what about the fuse box? I said what good would that do me? I also said what about a battery disconnect switch but he was more about if my lights went out I could change the fuse. Believe me most of you know that a if a fuse blows replacing the fuse is not going to correct the problem. I guess he didn’t know he was talking to a certified diesel mechanic A! At this point I was done with him but he wanted to go for a ride,why not I thought. I asked him if there was anything about this truck because I never driven his truck and he said no.So let’s get started, No pre-check paperwork to me safety was out the door there. Now truck height,Hmm, nothing about that either but I did take notice.okay let’s back out, my 4ways are on and whatta no a backup alarm and it works! I even sounded my horn in joy! Now I’m in the lot close to the gate and ask where are we going? He said go out the gate and make a left. I forgot my signal in the lot but had it on when I made the l left at the gate. Now on a dead end road with no one else on it except the minefield of potholes I was going around them when he asked if I new I was taking up 2 lanes, I responded if you want me to hit those craters in the road I will be more than happy to. Now we are heading to the highway while he was dicking around on his phone again! Hopping on RT 80 East he asked me if I noticed that sign on the bridge and I said yes, he said what did it say? I said bridge height and he asked me what it said and I said doesn’t matter we didn’t do a pre trip, I new that that straight job would fit and I laughed inside. I then started to pass an on ramp and looked a few times and once in mirror and there was no one. He’s still dicking with his phone again looks up and asked me if I checked the on ramp and I said yes as we approached another bridge he asked about the sign, I said doesn’t matter you haven’t told me the correct height but I know it’s fine,so now we get off in downtown P-town NJ. We drive thru the hood make a left go a few blocks and A-HA! A new bridge sign,11’9 , while he is still dicking around on the phone, I ask him which way and say we obviously aren’t going straight, so a left or right or would you like me to ram that train tressel. He said pissed off make a right. Now we’re heading back to 80 west.Even though I had a green light at an intersection, I couldn’t make the left because traffic was in the way I let an elderly couple cross in the walk and waited for the next light. We go back to the yard and what do you know tractor trailers parked in a weird way so I stopped and asked him what to do? He didn’t know till someone waved us through and he asked me if I could fit and I just thought what an as%#ole! I fit with a ft on each side. After that he asked me to back into a loading dock and I said said which one? He said pick one from 1-10, trucks occupied all except 5 or 7,5 had a cone,so7 it is. So backed in with the 4ways and horn tapped the dock, pulled the brakes and took it out of gear. I was then told to park it. Alright nobody is perfect, I stopped about 5ft before 2 stop signs and rolled slowly up and through with my foot on the brakes, but he complained about it. But after all according to him time is money. Oh yeah he was on the phone again soon as we parked, He must be an important guy.

In West Virginia that is the first test you have to pass is a common knowledge then your brake test and any other endorsement afterwards… If you work for the state are you exempt from a physical exam every year I heard that law has changed. All CDL drivers MOST HAVE A PHYSICAL EXAM

I believe everyone has a right to work and be a citizen of US but they need to be fluent in English and be legal no matter race, gender, or creed. As for obtaining a CDL, as long as it’s an accredited school or instructor it doesn’t matter what state you obtain it. Let’s keep America moving safety! As for bad drivers they are everywhere let’s be defensive drivers and considerate also.

Just take everything back to 1960 and quit being such a bunch of prudes. You will never be able to regulate trucking. It will always get away.

I’ve been trucking for thirty plus years without a CDL or permits , insurance, inspections and so on.

I take one very well planned trip every year. That’s it. Once a year. Never needed more than that.

It turns out if you quit doing government push ups, life gets a lot easier.

I’ve been caught at scales twice. Don’t know how it turned out. I left everything at the scale and rode my bike out across the adjacent fields. Never looked back . Didn’t care.

It’s time for the rebellion. You feel it. You know something isn’t right. It’s there .nagging at you. Like an itch you cannot scratch.

I make more money with a pickup truck and a phone than I ever did with a truck. Use your brain drivers. You are being robbed of your lives for nothing. Rebel.

Moon Draconian Trucking you don’t need a Brain to apply …steal a truckers identity….foreigner privilege …the US Calvary did this to the American Indians took away there land history is repeating itself ..with Big Gov

And how exactly do you know that they cheat on their test? Did you cheat yourself, or do you sit at the dmv and watch them cheat?

I think I got about half way down on the comments reading and I just to have one thing to say which I still believe in it today. ” We Are Knights Of The Road.” No matter where your from or your cultural background, isn’t the saying that we ALL truck Drivers need to stick together for there’s no one higher up than us Truckers willing to step into OUR shoes for a bit and actually see first hand what “WE TRUCK DRIVERS,” go thru each and everyday. The whole racism comments no a big fan of others bad mouthing other drivers like that unless that driver is clearly as you said it Not obey the GREEN BIBLE!! We all took an oath may not been verbal but your signature is your oath as a Truck Driver no matter from etc.. to keep the peace on the road all around you, your Rig, as other fellow Truckers to. Teach, show, inspire others like young beginners barely even know their East to their West. Respect I thought truck drivers had. That’s one reason why I stayed driving even after my 2nd year. I’ve been driving since 2010 but before that I to also was in the Service. Thanks for reading.

I do not support this. Already to many people that have no clue how to drive occupy the highways and byways. Both in cars and big trucks.

Why are you moaning,
I really thought that truck drivers are men.
Bitching about foreigners taking the work.
But all you guys rather sit at home and collect $600 a week for doing nothing.
If a foreigner come to the states and does hes CDL legally and does his work to perfection, what is then the problem.
I have been in the states 8 years and havel 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN OTR ALL OVER THE WORLD. But my work is done right and no accident yet. So stop bitching about foreigners. Cause last year alone 72000 cdl drivers failed there drug tests and not 1 foreigner was tested positive.
You guys are moaning for no reason. Iff you dont want to work hard and long hours away on the road then certainly someone has to make sure the food get to the stores.
Come on guys
Dont be a bitch and moan about stuff if you are not willing to do the work yourself

As several have mentioned…. Their concerns over foreigners that can’t speak, read or write english..English… This is an issue that needs to be cracked down given that FMSCA states as a requirement…. You need to speak English, Write English and Read English… Obviously they are slipping through the cracks…

I believe “no immigrants should receive this privilege!!” Bottom Line!! This should only be a privilege for an AMERICAN ONLY… Let’s stop feeling sorry for these outsiders. Band them from receiving a CDL. It’s only a matter of time before they use it as a weapon.
Asia is a tricky, very manipulating people they could hide & perpetrate as a person from India 🇮🇳 mean while they could be Pakistani the one’s who hid Binladen. {911} REMEMBER
Let’s stop saving the world & focus on AMERICANS!!!! NO CDL’S for any third world.
Enough is enough all you hear is AMERICA is terrible AMERICANS are fools. If it’s like that get out of our country. Try it in your country.
Democrats should go with them as well. Despicable no good for nothing!!!
Let’s STOP immigrants entering our work field..
People of America Latin, White, Black let’s stand together for once & stop these people from receiving our worth.

Well a true truck driver knows how to downshift, with that being said what difference does it make now with automatics? So go recruit some more women sitting behind their cuticle and open up the borders for the experts.

PS, with this and open borders, automatic trucks, Swift, at least will have some good YouTube videos, besides what difference is that opposed to certified DOT inspectors in every little town and major city? For instance la Porte Texas , they made their own inspection station under the bridge because they know it’s the only way in and out of the port at barbers cut, and Pasadena Texas has it under the beltway eight, so not being actual DOT inspectors, but “certified”, sounds a lot like this and truck drivers, well not real ones , but certified anyway.

This country has a corrupt government. If you want laws changed whether its safe or not! Send in a lobbyist with a suitcase full of cash!

You really cant take someone off of dirt roads and off a donkey and expect him to operate an 80,000 lb truck safely on our highways! Its suppose to be the job of the FMCSA TO INSURE PROPER TRAINING FOR NEW DRIVERS.So put aside the governments race theory politics and lets look out for the safty of our future drivers. Lobbyist from the big trucking companies need to be shutdown. Check it out on the fmcsa website. Hunt, Schneider, and the rest of the government puppets applying for work visa’s for foreigners. So these people want a better life while at the same time the puppets are endangering all of US! WE ARE ALL THE VICTIMS HERE!