Idaho transportation department ensures delivery of heating fuel across restricted bridge

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Idaho transportation department ensures delivery of heating fuel across restricted bridge
Thanks to cooperative efforts between the Idaho Transportation Department and a bridge-design consultant, a truck weighing double the weight limit of the bridge was able to deliver heating fuel to residents on the other side. (Courtesy: Idaho Department of Transportation)

BOUNDARY COUNTY, Idaho — When the Idaho Department of Transportation (IDT) was faced with a roadblock in ensuring the delivery of heating fuel to a small community, the agency immediately set out to solve the problem.

Here is the story, as shared on IDT’s website Jan. 9, 2024.

What do you do when a propane truck weighing twice as much as an old timber bridge is rated for needs to get across the bridge to deliver to a handful of people living on the other side who are completely dependent on that delivery to sustain warmth in winter? Recently, ITD was faced with that exact scenario on a bridge in North Idaho’s Boundary County with limited but important use for local access and recreation.

A consultant inspected the old timber bridge from 1960 and after finding significant rot, a weight restriction of 5 tons was placed on the crossing. However, residents living behind the bridge needed a propane truck delivery to supply their homes with heat. The loaded truck would far exceed the bridge’s weight restriction — it was twice as heavy as the posted limit!

So, ITD worked together with a bridge-design consultant to figure out how to get the truck across the bridge and back again without overloading the rotten timbers. ITD provided the county with specific directions on how to safely get the truck across the bridge. On Tuesday morning, December 12, the Boundary County Road & Bridge department was on hand at the bridge to assist the propane truck and act as spotters as it delivered propane under a special permit.

Road & Bridge Road Foreman Bradley Barton and crew member Kris Lummus set the cones to mark the travelway, and after checking the actual propane capacity to verify it was 40% or less, directed the truck back across the bridge very slowly — less than the required 5 mph. The crossing went well, and they waited on site for the propane to make deliveries to three residences and then did the same procedure for the truck coming back across.

“This is a good example of ITD helping in a way that most people are unaware of,” said Bridge Asset Management Engineer Alan Buehrig, who spearheaded the department’s response. “This was a great example of ITD going the extra mile to provide customer service to the county and Idaho citizens.”

John Worthen

Born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and raised in East Texas, John Worthen returned to his home state to attend college in 1998 and decided to make his life in The Natural State. Worthen is a 20-year veteran of the journalism industry and has covered just about every topic there is. He has a passion for writing and telling stories. He has worked as a beat reporter and bureau chief for a statewide newspaper and as managing editor of a regional newspaper in Arkansas. Additionally, Worthen has been a prolific freelance journalist for two decades, and has been published in several travel magazines and on travel websites.

Avatar for John Worthen
Born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and raised in East Texas, John Worthen returned to his home state to attend college in 1998 and decided to make his life in The Natural State. Worthen is a 20-year veteran of the journalism industry and has covered just about every topic there is. He has a passion for writing and telling stories. He has worked as a beat reporter and bureau chief for a statewide newspaper and as managing editor of a regional newspaper in Arkansas. Additionally, Worthen has been a prolific freelance journalist for two decades, and has been published in several travel magazines and on travel websites.
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Idaho transportation department ensures delivery of heating fuel across restricted bridge


Great Job on the Co-Op for contacting the ITD in the first place, I know plenty of truck drivers that would just go over it lol