FMCSA, PHMSA issue safety bulletin for haulers, inspectors of liquid gases

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FMCSA, PHMSA issue safety bulletin for haulers, inspectors of liquid gases
Drivers of big rigs hauling compressed liquid gasses such as hydrogen and natural gas must take extra care. A new bulletin from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration notes that both drivers and inspectors face dangers if certain precautions are not heeded.

WASHINGTON — Officials with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) said they have become aware of safety concerns when roadside inspectors conduct surveys of bulk packages containing refrigerated or compressed forms of hydrogen and natural gas.

“Due to the rapid changes in worldwide and U.S. markets, increased quantities of natural gas or methane, refrigerated liquid (UN1972) and hydrogen, refrigerated liquid (UN1966) are shipped in high-pressure cylinders enclosed in a trailer or freight container,” a news release stated.

FMCSA officials noted that safety concerns have emerged when roadside inspectors are conducting inspections on these gases.

If any of these gases leak in a confined space, a flammable environment may be created.

“This is a significant safety concern for roadside inspectors, drivers and the public,” officials said.

The gas vapors can be ignited by static electricity, friction, flame or electronic devices carried by the roadside inspector.

These electronic devices include, but are not limited to, radios, body cameras, cell phones, computers/tablets, tasers, personal radiation detectors, etc.

The FMCSA notes that some motor carriers and drivers may be reluctant to open the rear compartment of an MC-338 cargo tank or the back of an enclosed trailer containing bulk cylinders during an inspection due to the safety concerns regarding these two gases.

When conducting inspections of natural gas or hydrogen in compressed or refrigerated liquid form, the FMCSA recommends the following safety precautions:

Cell phones or electronic devices should not be permitted within 25 feet of the trailer operating compartment. Remove all potential ignition sources possible, if permitted by your agency. Ensure the tractor engine is shut off.

Before the compartment is opened, ask the driver if they are equipped with a personal air monitor. If they are, have them use the monitor to check for a flammable atmosphere around the trailer.

Visually inspect the top of and area around the truck vent stack. Look for fumes, plumes, gas vapors. Remember, hydrogen will burn with an almost invisible flame. Do not begin the inspection procedure if there is any evidence of fumes, plumes, gas vapors. Opening a compartment can ignite vapor.

When opening the rear of an enclosed trailer or the rear compartment of an MC-338 cargo tank, stand at least 10 feet to the side of the trailer and avoid being downwind while the driver opens the doors.

Observe the compartment or trailer, looking and listening for signs of a leak or other hazards.

Let the trailer or compartment air out for at least one minute before approaching and completing the inspection.

Have the driver close the doors when you are finished inspecting the necessary components.

The Trucker News Staff

The Trucker News Staff produces engaging content for not only, but also The Trucker Newspaper, which has been serving the trucking industry for more than 30 years. With a focus on drivers, the Trucker News Staff aims to provide relevant, objective content pertaining to the trucking segment of the transportation industry. The Trucker News Staff is based in Little Rock, Arkansas.

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The Trucker News Staff produces engaging content for not only, but also The Trucker Newspaper, which has been serving the trucking industry for more than 30 years. With a focus on drivers, the Trucker News Staff aims to provide relevant, objective content pertaining to the trucking segment of the transportation industry. The Trucker News Staff is based in Little Rock, Arkansas.
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