LANSING — As northern lower Michigan receives the first significant snowfall of the season, and with the Thanksgiving holiday just around the corner, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is reminding drivers to slow down and be cautious on wintry roadways.
“MDOT and our local agency partners have been busy getting our snowplows ready, stockpiling road salt, and ensuring our maintenance crews are well-trained and have advanced road weather technology to make the best decisions on winter road maintenance,” said MDOT North Region Traffic, Safety and Operations Engineer Krista Phillip.
“We’re ready to do our part to keep roads safe this winter, but drivers are responsible for maintaining control of their vehicles regardless of conditions.”
More than 101,000 total crashes were reported in northern lower Michigan from 2016 to 2020, 22.7 percent (22,981) of which were winter weather-related, according to the Michigan State Police (MSP) Criminal Justice Information Center. During this period, 44 people were killed and 455 seriously injured in crashes on icy, snowy or slushy roads.
“If you don’t have to be out on the road during a weather event, please stay home and wait it out to give crews time to clear the roads,” Phillips said. “If you must be out on snowy roads, remember to take it slow on ice and snow, leave extra distance between vehicles, and don’t crowd the plows.”
MDOT and the MSP have launched several resources to help drivers prepare to meet winter safely.
MSP’s Office of Highway Safety Planning has launched a website (Michigan.gov/WinterDriving) packed with tips and useful resources. Drivers can find timely advice there on planning a safe route, how to control their vehicle, what to do in an emergency, passenger safety, tire tips, and more.
MDOT’s Mi Drive website gives users access to hundreds of cameras showing state highway conditions in real time, as well as road backups or closures due to weather, crashes or other incidents.
The Trucker News Staff produces engaging content for not only TheTrucker.com, but also The Trucker Newspaper, which has been serving the trucking industry for more than 30 years. With a focus on drivers, the Trucker News Staff aims to provide relevant, objective content pertaining to the trucking segment of the transportation industry. The Trucker News Staff is based in Little Rock, Arkansas.